Tremp V/s Boden

Tremp V/s Boden

Tremp V/s Boden

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest cryptocurrency of all time:

  the $TTBB SPL20 token!

This token is the epitome of excellence, the pinnacle of perfection and the embodiment of success.

And let me tell you, it's going to be huge!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest cryptocurrency of all time:

the $TTBB SPL20 token!

This token is the epitome of excellence, the pinnacle of perfection and the embodiment of success.

And let me tell you, it's going to be huge!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest cryptocurrency of all time:

the $TTBB SPL20 token!

This token is the epitome of excellence, the pinnacle of perfection and the embodiment of success.

And let me tell you, it's going to be huge!


Tremp V/s Boden is the first adventurous P2E released on Solana chain. With AI and Gaming leading narratives in 2024 bull run, we are glad to be the first mover. Players can choose characters which includes the presidental candidates Donald Trump as well as Joe Biden who can be used to mass loot, build reputation and create unique personal style with hard-earned rewards. You can be an adventurer,explorer,conquere, anything your playstyle matches. Players can purchase characters to participate in the game, making endless wealth and building their empire. This is a token for meme coin lovers, for the community, and for fun.


Tremp V/s Boden is the first adventurous P2E released on Solana chain. With AI and Gaming leading narratives in 2024 bull run, we are glad to be the first mover. Players can choose characters which includes the presidental candidates Donald Trump as well as Joe Biden who can be used to mass loot, build reputation and create unique personal style with hard-earned rewards. You can be an adventurer,explorer,conquere, anything your playstyle matches. Players can purchase characters to participate in the game, making endless wealth and building their empire. This is a token for meme coin lovers, for the community, and for fun.


Tremp V/s Boden is the first adventurous P2E released on Solana chain. With AI and Gaming leading narratives in 2024 bull run, we are glad to be the first mover. Players can choose characters which includes the presidental candidates Donald Trump as well as Joe Biden who can be used to mass loot, build reputation and create unique personal style with hard-earned rewards. You can be an adventurer,explorer,conquere, anything your playstyle matches. Players can purchase characters to participate in the game, making endless wealth and building their empire. This is a token for meme coin lovers, for the community, and for fun.









First of all, let’s talk about taxes. Zero, nada, zilch. That’s right, there are NO TAXES on buying or selling the $TTBB SPL20 token. You know who loves that? Everyone. Because nobody likes taxes.

And let me tell you, we’re not stopping there. We renounced the token at launch and burned the liquidity tokens, so you know it’s the real deal. We’re not messing around here, folks.

Now, some people might try to tell you that this token was stealth launched. And you know what I say to that? Fake news. We didn’t need to stealth launch this token because everyone already knows it’s the best.

So there you have it, folks. The $TTBB SPL20 token. The greatest cryptocurrency of all time. No taxes, Renounced , LP Burned and already making waves. It’s time to get on board with the winning team.

Contract Address: BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW


First of all, let’s talk about taxes. Zero, nada, zilch. That’s right, there are NO TAXES on buying or selling the $TTBB SPL20 token. You know who loves that? Everyone. Because nobody likes taxes.

And let me tell you, we’re not stopping there. We’re renouncing the token at launch, so you know it’s the real deal. We’re not messing around here, folks.

Now, some people might try to tell you that this token was stealth launched. And you know what I say to that? Fake news. We didn’t need to stealth launch this token because everyone already knows it’s the best.

So there you have it, folks. The $TTBB SPL20 token. The greatest cryptocurrency of all time. No taxes, renounced at launch, and already making waves. It’s time to get on board with the winning team.

Contract Address: BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW


First of all, let’s talk about taxes. Zero, nada, zilch. That’s right, there are NO TAXES on buying or selling the $TTBB SPL20 token. You know who loves that? Everyone. Because nobody likes taxes.

And let me tell you, we’re not stopping there. We’re renouncing the token at launch, so you know it’s the real deal. We’re not messing around here, folks.

Now, some people might try to tell you that this token was stealth launched. And you know what I say to that? Fake news. We didn’t need to stealth launch this token because everyone already knows it’s the best.

So there you have it, folks. The $TTBB SPL20 token. The greatest cryptocurrency of all time. No taxes, renounced at launch, and already making waves. It’s time to get on board with the winning team.

Contract Address: BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW


---- >> Step 1: Download a cryptocurrency wallet

To buy $TTBB SPL20 tokens, you need to download a cryptocurrency wallet that supports Solana (SOL). Popular wallets include Phantom Wallet, Okx Wallet. Once you have downloaded and set up your wallet, ensure that you securely back up your private key or recovery seed.

---- >> Step 2: Get some SOL

Next, you need to acquire Solana (SOL) to use for the transaction. You can buy SOL from a cryptocurrency exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance, or from a peer-to-peer marketplace, such as RAY. Once you have acquired SOL, transfer it to your SOL wallet.

---- >> Step 3: Go to RAY

Once you have SOL in your wallet, go to the RAY exchange. RAY is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to swap one cryptocurrency for another without the need for a centralized exchange.

---- >> Step 4: Swap SOL for $TTBB tokens

On the RAY exchange, select the SOL/TTBB trading pair and enter the amount of SOL you want to exchange for TTBB tokens. You will also need to adjust slippage to 0.5-1.0%. Confirm the transaction and wait for the exchange to be processed. Once the exchange is complete, you will see the TTBB tokens in your SOL wallet.


---- >> Step 1: Download a cryptocurrency wallet

To buy $TTBB SPL20 tokens, you need to download a cryptocurrency wallet that supports Solana (SOL). Popular wallets include MetaMask, MySOLerWallet, and Trust Wallet. Once you have downloaded and set up your wallet, ensure that you securely back up your private key or recovery seed.

---- >> Step 2: Get some SOL

Next, you need to acquire SOL (SOL) to use for the transaction. You can buy SOL from a cryptocurrency exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance, or from a peer-to-peer marketplace, such as LocalSOL. Once you have acquired SOL, transfer it to your SOL wallet.

---- >> Step 3: Go to RAY

Once you have SOL in your wallet, go to the RAY exchange. RAY is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to swap one cryptocurrency for another without the need for a centralized exchange.

---- >> Step 4: Swap SOL for $TTBBtokens

On the RAY exchange, select the SOL/$TTBBtrading pair and enter the amount of SOL you want to exchange for $TTBBtokens. You will also need to adjust slippage to 0.5-1.0%. Confirm the transaction and wait for the exchange to be processed. Once the exchange is complete, you will see the $TTBB tokens in your Solana wallet.


---- >> Step 1: Download a cryptocurrency wallet

To buy $TTBB SPL20 tokens, you need to download a cryptocurrency wallet that supports SOL (SOL). Popular wallets include MetaMask, MySOLerWallet, and Trust Wallet. Once you have downloaded and set up your wallet, ensure that you securely back up your private key or recovery seed.

---- >> Step 2: Get some SOL

Next, you need to acquire SOL (SOL) to use for the transaction. You can buy SOL from a cryptocurrency exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance, or from a peer-to-peer marketplace, such as LocalSOL. Once you have acquired SOL, transfer it to your SOL wallet.

---- >> Step 3: Go to RAY

Once you have SOL in your wallet, go to the RAY exchange. RAY is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to swap one cryptocurrency for another without the need for a centralized exchange.

---- >> Step 4: Swap SOL for $TTBBtokens

On the RAY exchange, select the SOL/$TTBBtrading pair and enter the amount of SOL you want to exchange for $TTBBtokens. You will also need to adjust slippage to 0.5-1.0%. Confirm the transaction and wait for the exchange to be processed. Once the exchange is complete, you will see the TRUMP tokens in your SOL wallet.

Note: Always confirm the $TTBBcontract address to be BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW to avoid falling prey to scams.

Note: Always confirm the $TTBBcontract address BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW to avoid falling prey to scams.

Note: Always confirm the $TTBBcontract address BdGoSNc7YSHxKiApa5ZkQUvseFpdQyWa8LYiFFRtJTSW to avoid falling prey to scams.



Token Supply: 200,000,000
Taxes: 0%

95% of the tokens were sent to the Liquidity Pool. Initial LP tokens are burned and the contract is renounced. The remaining 5% of the supply is held in a wallet to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools.


Token Supply: 200,000,000
Taxes: 0%

95% of the tokens were sent to the Liquidity Pool. Initial LP tokens are burned and the contract is renounced. The remaining 5% of the supply is held in a wallet to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools.


Token Supply: 200,000,000
Taxes: 0%

95% of the tokens were sent to the Liquidity Pool. Initial LP tokens are burned and the contract is renounced. The remaining 5% of the supply is held in a wallet to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools.


Token Supply: 200,000,000
Taxes: 0%

95% of the tokens were sent to the Liquidity Pool. Initial LP tokens are burned and the contract is renounced. The remaining 5% of the supply is held in a wallet to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools.


Phase 1: MEME


*Formation of socials

*CoingGecko / CMC Listings

Phase 2: Vibe and HODL

*Community Partnerships

*Community Building

Phase 3: Grow HUUUGE

*CEX Listings


Phase 1: MEME


*Formation of socials

*CoingGecko / CMC Listings

Phase 2: Vibe and HODL

*Community Partnerships

*Community Building

Phase 3: Grow HUUUGE

*CEX Listings


Phase 1: MEME


*Formation of socials

*CoingGecko / CMC Listings

Phase 2: Vibe and HODL

*Community Partnerships

*Community Building

Phase 3: Grow HUUUGE

*CEX Listings


Phase 1: MEME


*Formation of socials

*CoingGecko / CMC Listings

Phase 2: Vive and HODL

*Community Partnerships

*Community Building

Phase 3: Grow HUUUGE

*CEX Listings



 Telegram: @trempvsboden

 Twitter: @Tremp_VS_Boden



 Telegram: @trempvsboden

 Twitter: @Tremp_VS_Boden



 Telegram: @trempvsboden

 Twitter: @Tremp_VS_Boden